Following an intriguing Super Bowl Trailer, Universal now releases an extended trailer for the Fast and Furious 7. The new 3-minute clip is an action-packed one, revealing Jason Statham as a full-on baddie, and teasing lots of great stuff.
Some of that great stuff include amazing fight scenes between Statham and Dwayne Johnson, massive fire fights with some seriously big guns, cars jumping out of airplanes, bus falling off cliffs, and super cars smashing through buildings:
To be released April 2015 in theaters and IMAX, Fast and Furious 7 is filmed in three exotic locations, including Los Angeles, Tokyo and Abu Dhabi. It stars a virtual Paul Walker who looks extremely realistic, even though he is made of CGI and body doubles. The story is one of vengeance, as it’s always been, with some dude trying to kick Dominic Toretto’s (Vin Diesel) ass, and him relying on his good-looking crew to not let that happen.
So yes, the plot is only appealing to a 10-year-old. But that’s not why we like Furious 7, and Fast and Furious movies in general . We love them because of all the mindless action scenes, all the amazing cars, and all the exotic girls.