Even Dubai Police themselves are astonished by some of the cars they have accumulated over the past year of so. There are a few multi-million dollar names in their collection, including a Bugatti Veyron which is the subject of this exclusive promo video. Apparently, the chief likes this one a lot more than the others!
In this video Dubai Police officers bring out the Bugatti Veyron patrol car for a quick showing off session which ends with a brazen in-your-face maneuver by the car towards the camera… as if to say: “that’s right bitches, we can do this sh*t and you can’t!”
Dubai Police has put together this awesome collection of exotic patrol cars solely for publicity purposes. They are a symbol of Dubai’s success and security, even though the latter stands on loose ground. There are more productive, and fun, things they can do with these cars though, like taking them to drag strips and challenge young drivers to try and beat them at the track rather than racing each other on pubic roads.