Oookay, this is up there with tattooing the face of your favorite movie star on your chest… only a lot creepier. This rather, it has to be said, magnificent bust of Jeremy Clarkson was spotted on the back of a delivery truck travelling through Washington State. As to where it was headed and where it’s going to be… well… erected, the best guess yet is Amazon’s headquarters in Seattle.
It makes sense because the Clarkson bust was accompanied on the truck by a number of other crates which, according to eye witnesses, were labeled after his body parts… like his crotch for example… we really don’t wanna know more…
The statue is apparently part of a monument Amazon has commissioned to honor the Grand Tour presenter because, you know, the $250 million they’ve already spend on hiring them hasn’t been enough apparently. The word is similar works of “art” depicting James May and Richard Hammond have also been made and they are on their way to join Clarki’s head and crotch so as to complete a proper monument paying tribute to the three best motoring journalists the world has ever known.
Come to think of it, not even Fidel Castro got one, and neither did Muhammad Ali to our knowledge. But who are they compared to three middle-aged Brits who fall over and catch fire a lot? These three knuckleheads have brought more joy to more people than all the movie stars combined.
Pictures via Twitter