If you wreck your rare and super expensive Ferrari Enzo hyper car on the race track, or during a high-stakes street-race, or something like that, you probably wouldn’t mind it very much because at least you got some fun out of it. The South Korean owner of this Enzo, however, had the misfortune of crashing his car into a telegraph pole, which is like the most unglamorous thing you can crash into.
Now, we don’t know why the Koreans still have telegraph poles in the age of satellites, internet and VoIP, but that’s what the sources have mentioned as the obstacle that cost this Enzo its nose. Maybe they use telegraphs to contact their relatives up North, what with North Korea being ruled by an utter imbecile who doesn’t allow his people to have proper means of communication.
Anyway, the red Ferrari Enzo apparently went into a spin, which is something 600+ horsepower super cars with rear-wheel-drive like to do often, and the driver was unable to correct it in time. The car slammed into the strong pole which didn’t even break sweat while it did this nasty thing to the Ferrari.
The owner is lucky the damage is fairly light and the vital organs are probably safe and sound. Even the radiators appear to be OK since they are located on the left and right of the bumper. Still, this is not something that can be fixed in Korea and the car has to be shipped to Italy to get fix. And that’s why the repair bill is going to be mahoosive.
Via GTspirit