/Ferrari Boss Speechless About The New Viper

Ferrari Boss Speechless About The New Viper

Viper special at Ferrari Boss Speechless About The New Viper

According to Sergio Marchionne, CEO for Chrysler group, Ferrari Chairman Luca di Montezemolo was speechless when he was introduced to the 2013 SRT Viper. Luca was in Detroit recently for a board meeting – Ferrari and Chrysler are both owned by Fiat – when Marchionne gave him a tour of the car and received the good words. 

Marchionne believes it’s one helluva compliment for Ferrari to admit the Viper is a unique car. And indeed it is. The new Viper is a cracking car with superb performance and a new-found sophistication that sets it apart from the typical American super car.

That said, di Montezemolo could be just complimenting a colleague. After all, the Viper is not considered a rival now that it’s owned by Fiat. Chrysler’s success is Fiat’s success, which by transitive property is Ferrari’s success.

“The car is a superb machine,” Marchionne, the chairman and CEO of the Chrysler Group, told WJR-AM radio, according to a transcript of the interview posted on the Chrysler Web site. “I had the chairman of Ferrari down here for the board meeting last week and he had a chance to look at the car, and he was speechless. I mean, for Ferrari to admit that the car is a unique vehicle is a hell of a compliment to the work that’s gone on here. So I’m delighted. I mean, so far, knock on wood, we’re doing well.”

Source: InsideLine

(Founder / Chief Editor / Journalist) – Arman is the original founder of Motorward.com, which he kept until August 2009. Currently Arman is our chief editor and is held responsible for a large part of the news we publish.