Another feather in Ford Ecoboost’s cap. The new 1.0-litre EcoBoost engine – which made its debut in the new Focus this year – has been named the 2012 “International Engine of the Year”. What’s more, the unit also won “Best New Engine” and “Best Engine Under 1.0-litre” in the awards presented by Engine Technology International magazine. A tiny three-cylinder is the engine of the year… Things have really moved on, you know.
The award went to Ford based on votes cast by 76 journalists from 35 countries around the world. They were impressed by the way Ford has approached downsizing. They faced the issue head on and managed to create an engine that satisfies the economy concerns – because it’s so small – while providing decent performance, since it makes the same sort of power as a naturally aspirated 1.6 liter.
The judges consider drivability, performance, economy, refinement and the successful application of advanced engine technology to pick the winner, and the Ecoboost excelled at all of them, beating its closest rival by 28 per cent more points.
The 1.0-litre EcoBoost engine debuted this year on the Ford Focus in Europe and will be offered next in the Ford C-MAX and Ford B-MAX later this year. Here’s a bit more technical details on this jewel of an engine:
The 1.0-litre EcoBoost uses low-inertia turbos to deliver power quickly when the throttle is opened from low RPM and deliver high power at turbine speeds of up to 248,000 RPM. Further 1.0-litre EcoBoost innovations include:
- An exhaust manifold, cast into the cylinder head, lowers the temperature of exhaust gases to enable the optimum fuel-to-air ratio across a wider rev band
- A unique cast iron block warms the engine more quickly than a conventional aluminium block to cut by 50 per cent the amount of “warm-up” energy required, and cut fuel consumption
- Two main engine drive belts are immersed in oil to deliver a quieter, more efficient engine
- Offsetting the engine configuration by deliberately “unbalancing” the flywheel and pulley instead of adding energy-draining balancer shafts.