/Video: It’s not easy overtaking in a Ferrari 458!

Video: It’s not easy overtaking in a Ferrari 458!

458 crash 545x314 at Video: Its not easy overtaking in a Ferrari 458!

That red thing you see in the picture above is a Ferrari 458 Italia on its way to crash into the guard rail. This is what first time Ferrari buyers should be really careful about. The performance of these cars takes a bit of getting used to. Until you master it, you have to keep all the safety systems on.

The driver of this 458 learned that lesson the hard way. He floors the gas to overtake the car in front and look good for the camera, but the rear wheels spin and let go, sending the car into a spin that ends with it getting wrecked by the guard rail. Sad to watch:


(Founder / Chief Editor / Journalist) – Arman is the original founder of Motorward.com, which he kept until August 2009. Currently Arman is our chief editor and is held responsible for a large part of the news we publish.