At their home motor show in Tokyo, Lexus unveiled a production-ready version of the long-awaited RC Coupe. Set to inject emotional appeal into the Lexus DNA, the RC Coupe is based on the GS platform, but is thoroughly re-engineered to become a properly sporty machine.
The most striking design feature of the car is of course the massive spindle grille, which in combination with the signature LED headlights result in a pretty unique look. It is not everyone’s cup of tea this, but there is no denying it has presence. The car comes with two wheels choices, including 10-spoke 19-inch and a muscular five-spoke 18-inch. A new red paint is developed specially for this model.
Lexus RC Coupe launches in Japan with a 3.5-liter V6 petrol engine developing 314 hp, and peak torque of 280 lb.-ft, and a hybrid powertrain featuring a dual-injected 2.5-liter four cylinder engine with a 105kW electric motor. You can have the RC with rear- or all-wheel-drive. Unusual for Lexus, they have actually engineered a nice exhaust noise into the engine to boost the joy of driving it.
To make sure the car handles decently, the RC uses double wishbone front suspension and multi-link suspension at the rear. The highlights of the car’s technology features are an updated Spot Monitor and newRemote Touch Interface (RTI).