/Proof That LaFerrari Is a Thoroughbred

Proof That LaFerrari Is a Thoroughbred

laferrari spin 600x365 at Proof That LaFerrari Is a Thoroughbred

Cars these days rely heavily on electronics. In the case of super cars, we see this effect in form of hugely complicated traction control systems, and more recently, hybrid powertrains. A modern hyper car like McLaren P1, or Porsche 918, or LaFerrari, is not only governed by electronics, it is propelled by it.

This makes you wonder, will there ever be another thoroughbred that makes you feel you are driving something that’s actually alive, and not operating a laptop. We’re not sure about the P1 and the 918. They are way too computerized. But on the proof of this video, there is still hope for LaFerrari. Only a thoroughbred spits you out in the grass like this if you make a mistake:

A thoroughbred should be twitchy and nervous and hard to handle. That’s what makes them so great. That is what gets the adrenalin going and what makes you feel high after you drive a thoroughbred super car. The P1 and the 918 are hugely fast, no doubt. But if you want to experience the true thrill of speed, Ferrari is the only choice. If we liken the 918 to weed and the P1 to ecstasy, LaFerrari is pure heroin!

Video by Marchettino


(Founder / Chief Editor / Journalist) – Arman is the original founder of Motorward.com, which he kept until August 2009. Currently Arman is our chief editor and is held responsible for a large part of the news we publish.