/Ferrari 412 Pickup Truck by London Motor Group

Ferrari 412 Pickup Truck by London Motor Group

Ferrari 412 Pickup Truck 0 600x373 at Ferrari 412 Pickup Truck by London Motor Group

What you see here is definitely the world’s first Ferrari 412 Pickup Truck, and probably the world’s first Ferrari pickup truck at all. It has been created by London Motor Group for a British TV show called Ultimate Wheels based on a 1989 Ferrari 412.

Granted, that is not the most exciting Ferrari model to begin with. But still, turning something with a Ferrari badge into a pickup truck needs a lot of cojones. The guys have pulled it off, and they’ve done a fine job too. Ferrari 412 Pickup Truck is a fully functional workhorse for a “high-end tradesman.”

To make this thing they took they chopped 300mm of the roof and cleared everything underneath this area to create a 3ft load bed. Then they reinforced the rear suspension to cope with heavy loads, and lined the floor with teak wood, like luxury yachts.

Other features include hot-rod inspired shotgun scoop bonnet and bespoke exhaust system, a unique sound system, and of course, Ferrari Rosso red paint job.


(Founder / Chief Editor / Journalist) – Arman is the original founder of Motorward.com, which he kept until August 2009. Currently Arman is our chief editor and is held responsible for a large part of the news we publish.