/Name This Color for Lexus RC F

Name This Color for Lexus RC F

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Social media has given car makers a way of communicating with their fans and picking their brains about stuff that are best decided by the people who buy the products. So we’ve seen them asking people on Facebook about tuning kits, special edition ideas, and now even names. Lexus is asking you to help them name this shade of orange they’ve come up with for the RC F.

Granted, it’s just orange. But they can’t leave it at that, because these days most car makers give cool names to their special colors and Lexus has to keep up. Lexus RC F is said to be a proper rival for the new BMW M4 and because they will almost certainly lose to it in terms of performance, they cannot afford to give it any more grounds than that.

Lexus wants something on the line with Sunbeam Yellow or Sakhir Orange for this color. So far Tangerine Flame has got the biggest number of likes. If you have something better, post it here.

Lexus RC F is a V8-powered front-mid engine sports coupe that draws heavy inspirations from the Lexus LFA supercar, and as mentioned, it is gunning for the new BMW M4.The car is well-prepared for its mission too, what with 450 horsepower, eight speed transmission, and trick differential and electronics. The looks might let it down a bit, not just because it’s weird, but also because the M4 is incredibly handsome.

(Founder / Chief Editor / Journalist) – Arman is the original founder of Motorward.com, which he kept until August 2009. Currently Arman is our chief editor and is held responsible for a large part of the news we publish.