/will.i.am to Design Limited Edition Lexus NX

will.i.am to Design Limited Edition Lexus NX

Lexus NX william 1 600x411 at will.i.am to Design Limited Edition Lexus NX

After failing at creating his own car brand, artist and musician will.i.am from Black Eyed Peas has teamed up with Lexus to promote their new NX crossover. As part of the deal, will.i will also get to design a limited edition model.

will.i.am has a penchant for mixing old and new, as seen with his custom cars, the 1958 Corvette with modern Z06 mechanicals and the IAMAUTO DeLorean, both of which were designed and made for him by West Coast Customs. It is not clear yet if he’s going to take the same approach with his Lexus NX.

The singer/songwriter and Lexus will soon release a short film to mark their partnership, featuring animated graphics inspired by will.i.am and Lexus’s passion for angular and striking design. Lexus NX, as you may know, has received a lot of stick for its striking looks, especially the front grille. Luckily, striking stuff are right up will.i.am’s alley. So this should work.

Lexus NX william 2 464x600 at will.i.am to Design Limited Edition Lexus NX

will.i.am said: “Whatever I do, I want it to be striking. I want to innovate and revolutionise, and my partnership with Lexus on the Striking Angles campaign is no different. Inspired by our shared philosophy in design, we’ve been able to work together on a multi-faceted campaign that will challenge design conventions and fuel people’s imaginations.”

(Founder / Chief Editor / Journalist) – Arman is the original founder of Motorward.com, which he kept until August 2009. Currently Arman is our chief editor and is held responsible for a large part of the news we publish.