The Hoonigan organization, the brains who took Ken Block’s Gymkhana and turned it from a viral internet video into a legit and profitable business, realized that after nine videos these stunts may be starting to lose its appeal to the viewers. So, being savvy media and business gurus, they have come up with a new way to engage them through virtual reality.
Now for the first time ever a Gymkhana video is available in in virtual reality and 360-degree video through FordVR app and on the official Ford Performance YouTube channel, as shown in the video below. For the proper experience you are going to need some VR gear, but it’s probably worth is as it puts in the middle of the action and you get experience the whole Gymkhana thing from within. The VR version covers the ninth installment of Block’s video and it comes in parts.
Part one features Block, a professional rally driver, putting fans smack dab in the middle of the action, explaining such stunts as the insane the train drift scene. Other candid moments from the video shoot are highlighted as well, with the Ford Focus RS RX taking center stage.