When you are as big and as respected as McLaren Automotive is right now, you can make up with color that isn’t special at all, put a fancy name on it, and charge people a lot of money for the privilege of having it. That is pretty much the deal with the latest McLaren MSO color, Muriwai White.
Conceived by Bruce McLaren’s daughter Amanda, Muriwai White has no doubt a cool backstory. Muriwai is the New Zealand coastal community where Bruce McLaren won his first motor race at the age of 15 and the name chosen for his family house in England that was painted in a blueish white colour. That’s all great, but to look at it you wouldn’t call this shade anything but plain old white. But hey, you can always take a few minutes and explain the history of the color to people you meet, right? Just don’t be surprised if they slowly pulled away from you or fainted with boredom.
Muriwai White was initially offered for the 570 Spider, but is now available for entire Sports Series range.
“My mother Patty had been at a dinner party with a palm reader, who told her she’d live in a big white house with blue doors and shutters,” revealed Amanda. “Whether by destiny or design, that is what transpired and Muriwai was a place of pride for Bruce and comfort to Patty years after my father’s premature death in 1970 at the age of 32. Muriwai was always special to my father; the exotic name as much as the house. Forty-two kilometres’ northwest of Auckland, it’s where he grew up and won his first hill climb, aged 15, at the wheel of an Ulster Austin which remains in McLaren’s heritage collection in Woking.”