/Honda Civic 2012 Accessory Catalogue Goes Digital

Honda Civic 2012 Accessory Catalogue Goes Digital

Honda Civic 2012 Accessory Catalogue 1 at Honda Civic 2012 Accessory Catalogue Goes Digital

Honda Access Europe announced a new multimedia campaign to promote their accessories for the 2012 Honda Civic.

The catalogue comprises a huge array of products, parts and upgrade packs ranging from the latest design in alloy wheels to Hi-tech SD Sat-Nav systems, and it includes an iPad app and on-screen animations followed by an online micro-site, mobile application and high resolution animation.

Create by Saddington Baynes, the goal of this integrated media campaign was to offer truly different, taking the standard mobile app experience to the next level whilst at the same time ensuring brand consistency.

Honda Civic 2012 Accessory Catalogue 2 at Honda Civic 2012 Accessory Catalogue Goes Digital

Duncan Hart, Head of Digital at Saddington Baynes, says: “With demand for integrated campaigns and content that spans multiple platforms becoming a client’s primary focus, future growth in this market for brands such as Honda is vital. We feel that Saddington Baynes are uniquely placed to provide this. The Saddington Baynes digital team created what can only be described as an exciting fusion of design & excellent user experience in an engaging and responsive environment and we’re looking forward to developing many more integrated campaigns for new and existing clients in the future”.

(Founder / Chief Editor / Journalist) – Arman is the original founder of Motorward.com, which he kept until August 2009. Currently Arman is our chief editor and is held responsible for a large part of the news we publish.