Koenigsseg, apparently tired of daily business, took a juicy red Agera R to Ängelholm proving ground to have some fun. And while doing so, they broke a couple of acceleration and braking records for production cars!
The 1115-hp hyper car set extraordinary records not just in acceleration, but more amazingly, in braking. To put it simply, in the time your normal car takes to reach 100 km/h, the Agera has gone past 300 km/h. And it only takes it 6 seconds to come to a dead stop from the speed.
The performance of this car really is mind-boggling. All these record are verified with Racelogic VBox equipments:
0-300km/h = 14.53sec
0-200mph = 17.68sec
300-0km/h = 6.66sec
200-0mph = 7.28sec
0-300-0km/h = 21.19sec
0-200-0mp/h = 24.96sec
via GTspirit