Over the past couple of years Gi Motorsports has established itself as one of the big players in U.S. exotic car tuning business. Now, to remove any doubt about their credentials, Gi hosted their very own car meeting event which ended up with a leisurely cruise to Malibu. You need a lot of street cred to pull off something like this.
Gi Motorsports Malibu Cruise brought together a large collection of exotic cars as well as a few classics. The convoy cruised from Gi’s headquarters, a hip-looking garage in downtown Los Angeles to Malibu, which is where most West Coast car meets usually form. The place’s amazing sceneries and the great driving roads leading to it makes Malibu the perfect place for such shows. It is kind of like the Côte d’Azur of America, only a bit less glamorous!
Enjoy the best of Gi Motorsports Malibu Cruise in these amazing pictures captured by car photography guru CarNinja: