It may seem unnatural at first to see a Ferrari Enzo and a Ferrari F40 on the field, sliding about on the wet grass. But if you were 18 years old and rich, and has your own estate with a backyard the size of Cotswold, that’s what you would do. You would wake up one day and say I know, I wanna drift my Enzo on the field today!
So don’t hate this guy for doing this. He is only following his instincts and making the best use of the toys he has. Personally, we would just go fishing in that beautiful little pond and drive the Ferrari Enzo on the road, but a little grass drifting has never harmed nobody:
This is actually a win-win situation. The wet grass has little friction so the cars can slide easily without totally wrecking their tires. What’s more, since the Enzo and the F40 weigh very little, at least compared to cars usually used for country driving like a Range Rover, the field isn;t damaged that bad, either. This is environmentally conscious hooliganism!