With everything Ford is doing these days to make their F-150 more fun than versatile, it is only a matter of time before we see one of these trucks in such guise as depicted above. This, to our knowledge, is the first bagged Ford F-150 of any kind.
So if you want to hate it, go right ahead because it’s not real. What this is, is a rendering, a flight of fancy, a profound meditation on the ‘what if’. And we kindof like it. We know it is rather silly the direction the F-150 is going with all the bells and whistle it’s getting designed to make it faster and cooler and more sporty instead boosting the qualities a real pickup trucker might need. But we’re not a trucker and the only reason we would ever consider one if to have fun with. And I might be wrong, but a bagged Ford F-150 looks like a helluva lot of fun. Just admiring the view when it’s dropped to the ground is enough of a reason for this to become a reality.
Designed by Rain Prisk, this extreme F-150 also features custom bumpers and grilles, huge fender extensions, and a set of ultra-fat wheels and tires, among other changes.