The world in waiting with bated breath for Koenigsegg’s next hyper car which is a hybrid wonder machine called the Regera. While the production versions are still some way off, the world of virtual tuning has been active in imagining what a hotted-up version of this car look like, with RUK Koenigsegg Regera R being the latest outcome.
What the guys at RUK Technology Designs have done with the Regera, apart from painting it candy apple green, is adjust a few of the aero parts and slam the car on a set of ADV1 wheels. These are the normal upgrades any tuned car would get, but it has to be said even these are a bit far-fetched when the car in question is the Koenigsegg Regera.
That said, these days we’re seeing more and more multimillion dollar hyper cars getting tuning treatments as if they were hot hatches prepared for a local modified car show. So who’s to say RUK Koenigsegg Regera R is never going to happen? I mean, all it needs to become a reality is for a rapper, a NFL player, or an MMA champ to order one and decide to “pimp it out.”
Rendering by RUK Technology