Last week the police force of the capital of the United Arab Emirates shocked the world by unveiling a $3.4 million patrol car. We are of course talking about the Abu Dhabi Police Lykan Hypersport which now returns in a new and more revealing gallery courtesy of the guys at eGarage.
Turns out this thing is for real, and by that we mean it’s not just something they borrowed to show off with and rub it in Dubai Police’s face who has its very own fleet of super deluxe cop cars.
ADPD has actually acquired this thing, although we suspect W Motors, the people who make the Lykan, gave them a serious discount or something, what with the Hypersport being the first Arabian super car and all. Well, they say it’s Arabian, but the Hypersport is a mishmash of parts made by top European firms, and we’re pretty sure the designer was also an infidel!
Abi Dhabi is a very rich city chockfull of all sorts of fast cars and young people with no legal access to alcohol, or girls for that matter. That means a lot of speeding and street racing are inevitably are going to happen. It’s a god job then that Abu Dhabi Police Lykan Hypersport has 700 hp and can make 100 km/h from 0 in 2.8 seconds.
Photos by eGarage